Tickets available for purchase for $100 at check-in.
Print and sign camp rules. All campers must have a signed copy to be allowed to check-in.
*Campers under the age of 18 must also have Parent/Legal Guardian signature* |
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shampoo, etc.) - Medication, glasses and contact lenses - Pajamas, blankets and pillows - T-shirts, shorts, pants, and long sleeve shirts - Jacket/sweatshirt - Sunscreen, Bug repellant, aloe vera - Towels (Shower) - Multiple sets of socks and undergarments - Sandals - Sneakers *Please also keep in mind that the camp will provide for all meals, an air mattress for sleeping and showers. |
We are very excited about you joining us and seeing what God has in store for each of you!